THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING FOR THE FALL TBRR Academy! Now that you have registered, we need to receive payment to lock in your spot. There are three ways to pay...with your credit card, by check, or we can invoice your department with prior approval.

The preferred method of payment is by credit card. Click the "BUY NOW" button below and you will be directed to PayPal's secure site for credit card processing.

To pay by check, please send payment in full to the address below. We must receive the check within 15 days of registration in order to lock the registrant into the class. Please include the name of the registrant(s) on the check.
Round Rock Fire Department
203 Commerce Blvd.
Round Rock TX 78664

If your department requires an invoice to pay, please contact Wayne Pietzsch or Michael Boyd with Round Rock FD at -wpietzsch@roundrocktexas.gov or mboyd@roundrocktexas.gov